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HiFi metabarcoding analysis

Environment setup

Get frogs through conda

conda create -n frogs -c bioconda frogs 

Preprocess HiFi profile is available here:

We can clone the repo and checkout to the dev branch

git clone 
git checkout dev

and add its path to PATH and PYTHONPATH variable.


env_variable="export PYTHONPATH=$frogs_path/lib:\$PYTHONPATH;\
              export PATH=$frogs_path/libexec/:\$PATH;\
              export PATH=$frogs_path/app/:\$PATH"

conda_env="module load system/Miniconda3-4.7.10; \
           source /usr/local/bioinfo/src/Anaconda/Anaconda3-5.2.0/etc/profile.d/; \
           conda activate frogs"

echo $env_setting

16S full Frogs analysis with swarm


Prepare data for frogs preprocess by making a tar gz of all fastq files.

using h to handle correctly symblink

cd fastq
tar -czvhf 16Sfull_zymomock.tar.gz *

Remove primer and dereplicate sequences with


# 16S primers 

nb_cpu_preprocess=2 pacbio-hifi --min-amplicon-size 1000  --max-amplicon-size 2000 \
                         --five-prim-primer $five_prime_primer --three-prim-primer $three_prim_primer \
                          --input-archive $fastq_files -p $nb_cpu_preprocess

Clustering with swarm

nb_cpu_clustering=10 --fastidious --distance 1 --input-fasta preprocess.fasta \
                --input-count preprocess_counts.tsv \
                --nb-cpus $nb_cpu_clustering --output-biom clustering.biom \
                --output-fasta clustering.fasta --log-file clustering.log -i clustering.biom \
                -o clusters_stat_clustering.html \
                --log-file clusters_stat_clustering.log

Remove chimera

nb_cpu_rm_chimera=12 --input-fasta clustering.fasta --input-biom clustering.biom --nb-cpus $nb_cpu_rm_chimera\
                  --out-abundance remove_chimera.biom --non-chimera remove_chimera.fasta \
                  --log-file remove_chimera.log --summary remove_chimera.html -i remove_chimera.biom \
                -o clusters_stat_remove_chimera.html \
                --log-file clusters_stat_remove_chimera.log

Otu filter

  • MIN_SAMPLE_PRESENCE: Keep OTU present in at least this number of samples.

min_sample_presence=2 --min-abundance 0.00005 --min-sample-presence $min_sample_presence --nb-cpus $nb_cpu_otu_filters \
               --input-fasta remove_chimera.fasta --input-biom remove_chimera.biom \
               --output-biom filters.biom --output-fasta filters.fasta \
               --log-file filters.log --summary filters.html

affiliation OTU


taxonomic_ranks='Domain Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species'
database="/save/frogs/galaxy_databanks/SILVA/16S/silva_138.1_16S/silva_138.1_16S.fasta" --nb-cpus $nb_cpu_affiliation_OTU --reference $database --input-biom filters.biom \
                   --input-fasta filters.fasta --output-biom affiliation_abundance.biom \
                   --summary affiliation.html --log-file affiliation.log --taxonomy-ranks $taxonomic_ranks

Affiliation stat

taxonomic_ranks='Domain Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species' -i affiliation_abundance.biom  \
                                           --tax-consensus-tag 'blast_taxonomy' \
                                          --identity-tag 'perc_identity' \
                                          --coverage-tag 'perc_query_coverage' \
                                          --multiple-tag 'blast_affiliations' \
                                          --rarefaction-ranks Family Genus Species \
                                          --taxonomic-ranks $taxonomic_ranks

16S full Dada2 analysis

Several 16S HiFi analysis with dada2 can be found in this repo :

The Rmarkdown used here is an adaptation of this Rmarkdown made by Benjamin J Callahan:

Remove primers with cutadapt

Dada2 is not as good as cutadapt to remove primers and we cannot use preprocess step of frogs because it transformed fastq into fasta files while dada2 needs the fastq files.

Let's remove primers with cutadapt using this bash script

Make dada2 ASV with a Rmarkdown

First create a Dada2 conda environment.

conda create -n dada2 bioconductor-dada2 python jupyter
conda activate dada2
conda install -c r r-irkernel
conda install  bioconductor-biomformat
conda install  jupytext
conda install -c conda-forge r-pander

ASVs creation is made by this Rmarkdown : dada2_analysis_simple

It can be launched through slurm with this sbatch script:

The Rmarkdown creates two important files needed to continue the analysis with frogs:

  • clustering.fasta
  • clustering.biom

Launch frogs on dada2 ASVs

Frogs pipeline steps can be applied on these two files similarly as with a swarm clustering starting from remove chimera.

16S-23S HiFi analysis

The analysis steps are mainly identical for 16S full. Some parameter in the preprocess step need to be adjusted and the affiliation step uses a specific 16S−23S database. And a specific affiliation strategy can be applied to use on top of 16S-23S database, a 16S and a 23S databases to improve the affiliations.

Dada2 analysis of 16S-23S data does not work properly on real data.

16S-23S specificity at the preprocess step

With 16S-23S sequences primers and expected lengths change compared to the 16S full.

Example of command to preprocess 16S-23S sequences: pacbio-hifi --min-amplicon-size 3500 --max-amplicon-size 5000 \
                         --five-prim-primer AGRGTTTGATYHTGGCTCAG --three-prim-primer AGTTTDACTGGGGYGGT \
                         --input-archive fastq/16S-23S_zymomock.tar.gz -p 2

16-23S specificity at the affiliation step

The database used is build from ncbi refseq assemblies. So the taxonomy used is the one from the ncbi which use 8 main ranks. This ranks need to be given to frogs script using the parameter --taxonomy-ranks

taxonomic_ranks='Domain Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Strain'

mem_affiliation=20GB --nb-cpus $nb_cpu_affiliation_OTU --reference $database --input-biom filters.biom \
                   --input-fasta filters.fasta --output-biom unfiltered_affiliation_abundance.biom \
                   --summary affiliation.html --log-file affiliation.log --taxonomy-ranks $taxonomic_ranks

Affiliation stat and biom2tsv can be launched similarly as with the 16S full data but using the correct taxonomic ranks

taxonomic_ranks='Domain Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Strain' -i unfiltered_affiliation_abundance.biom  \
                                           --tax-consensus-tag 'blast_taxonomy' \
                                          --identity-tag 'perc_identity' \
                                          --coverage-tag 'perc_query_coverage' \
                                          --multiple-tag 'blast_affiliations' \
                                          --rarefaction-ranks Family Genus Species \
                                          --taxonomic-ranks $taxonomic_ranks

# Biom to tsv --input-biom unfiltered_affiliation_abundance.biom \
                    --input-fasta filters.fasta --output-tsv affiliation_abundance.tsv \
                     --output-multi-affi multiaff.tsv --log-file biom_to_tsv_affi.log

Filter out suspicious sequences

We have identified in our custom 16S-23S database some suspicious sequences that a likely coming from contamination or HGT. They are not informative and therefor we want to remove these affiliation. For that we can use the Frogs script --input-biom unfiltered_affiliation_abundance.biom --input-fasta filters.fasta \
                        --output-biom affiliation_abundance.biom --output-fasta affiliation_filtered.fasta \
                       --ignore-blast-taxa suspicious --delete --taxonomic-ranks Domain Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Strain

We can now relaunch the affiliation stat. -i affiliation_abundance.biom --tax-consensus-tag 'blast_taxonomy' --identity-tag 'perc_identity' --coverage-tag 'perc_query_coverage' --multiple-tag 'blast_affiliations' --rarefaction-ranks Family Genus Species --taxonomic-ranks Domain Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Strain --input-biom affiliation_abundance.biom --input-fasta affiliation_filtered.fasta  --output-tsv affiliation_abundance.tsv --output-multi-affi multiaff.tsv --log-file biom_to_tsv_affi-filtered.log

Affiliate 16S-23S cluster with Silva 16S and 23S databases

Let's affiliate our 16S-23S clusters with the 16S Silva database and the 23S Silva database.

16S Silva :

taxonomic_ranks='Domain Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species' --nb-cpus $nb_cpu_affiliation_OTU --reference $database --input-biom filters.biom \
                   --input-fasta filters.fasta --output-biom affiliation_abundance_16Ssilva.biom \
                   --summary affiliation_16Ssilva.html --log-file affiliation_16Ssilva.log --taxonomy-ranks $taxonomic_ranks -i affiliation_abundance_16Ssilva.biom  \
                                           --tax-consensus-tag 'blast_taxonomy' \
                                          --identity-tag 'perc_identity' \
                                          --coverage-tag 'perc_query_coverage' \
                                          --multiple-tag 'blast_affiliations' \
                                          --rarefaction-ranks Family Genus Species \
                                          --taxonomic-ranks $taxonomic_ranks --input-biom affiliation_abundance_16Ssilva.biom \
                    --input-fasta filters.fasta --output-tsv affiliation_abundance_16Ssilva.tsv \
                     --output-multi-affi multiaff_16Ssilva.tsv --log-file biom_to_tsv_affi_16Ssilva.log

23S Silva :

taxonomic_ranks='Domain Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species' --nb-cpus $nb_cpu_affiliation_OTU --reference $database --input-biom filters.biom \
                   --input-fasta filters.fasta --output-biom affiliation_abundance_23Ssilva.biom \
                   --summary affiliation_23Ssilva.html --log-file affiliation_23Ssilva.log --taxonomy-ranks $taxonomic_ranks -i affiliation_abundance_23Ssilva.biom  \
                                           --tax-consensus-tag 'blast_taxonomy' \
                                          --identity-tag 'perc_identity' \
                                          --coverage-tag 'perc_query_coverage' \
                                          --multiple-tag 'blast_affiliations' \
                                          --rarefaction-ranks Family Genus Species \
                                          --taxonomic-ranks $taxonomic_ranks --input-biom affiliation_abundance_23Ssilva.biom \
                    --input-fasta filters.fasta --output-tsv affiliation_abundance_23Ssilva.tsv \
                     --output-multi-affi multiaff_23Ssilva.tsv --log-file biom_to_tsv_affi_23Ssilva.log

Post process affiliation tables given by Frogs

To plot and merge the affiliations, we first need to postprocess affiliation tables with the local python script For each database used, we use the affiliation abundance table and the multiaffi table generated by (launched on the biom generated by We also give identity and coverage thresholds.

Be careful: the taxonomic_ranks are not the same in 16S23S custom db and in Silva databases.

For the custom 16S23S database:

python scripts/ --abundance_table affiliation_abundance-filtered.tsv  --multiaffi_table multiaff-filtered.tsv --region 16S-23S --affi_db_name 16S23S_custom --taxonomic_ranks 'Domain Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species Species' -o abundance_and_multiaffi_16S23S_custom.tsv  --min_identity 98 --min_coverage 99 -v

For 16S Silva database:

python scripts/ --abundance_table affiliation_abundance_16Ssilva.tsv  --multiaffi_table multiaff_16Ssilva.tsv --region 16S-23S --affi_db_name 16Ssilva --taxonomic_ranks 'Domain Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species' -o abundance_and_multiaffi_16Ssilva.tsv  --min_identity 98 --min_coverage 30 -v 

For 23S Silva database:

python scripts/ --abundance_table affiliation_abundance_23Ssilva.tsv  --multiaffi_table multiaff_23Ssilva.tsv --region 16S-23S --affi_db_name 23Ssilva --taxonomic_ranks 'Domain Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species' -o abundance_and_multiaffi_23Ssilva.tsv  --min_identity 98 --min_coverage 40 -v

Merge the 16S23S db affiliations with 16S and 23S Silva db affiliations

We difined weak and valid affiliations for each database used to affiliated the 16S23S amplicons.

For a 16S23S db affiliation an affiliation is weak when the affiliation is <98% identity and < 99% query coverage.

For 16S and 23S Silva affiliation, the required coverage is lower because sequences in the database will cover only partially our 16S23S amplicons.

  • 16S silva weak affiliation: <98% identity and <30% query coverage.
  • 23S silva weak affiliation: <98% identity and <40% query coverage.

Rule to merge the affiliations: When 16S23S db affiliation is valid we keep it. When 16S23S db affiliation is weak, we look at the 16S and 23S silva affiliation:

  • Only one of the affiliation is valid --> we use it as the new affiliation for the cluster
  • None of the affiliation is valid --> The cluster is seen as week affiliated
  • Both affiliations are valid --> We go down to the last common taxon. In case of multiaffiliation, if the there is a shared affiliation in both database, we use it as the final affiliation.

Simple exemple:

16S affiliation: Bacteria;Firmicutes;Bacilli;Lactobacillales;Streptococcaceae;Streptococcus;Streptococcus alactolyticus 23S affiliation: Bacteria;Firmicutes;Bacilli;Erysipelotrichales;Erysipelotrichaceae;Turicibacter;Turicibacter sp.

Final affiliation: Bacteria;Firmicutes;Bacilli;Multi-affiliation;Multi-affiliation;Multi-affiliation;Multi-affiliation

Multiaffiliation exemple:

16S affiliations: Bacteria;Firmicutes;Bacilli;Lactobacillales;Streptococcaceae;Streptococcus;Streptococcus alactolyticus Bacteria;Firmicutes;Bacilli;Lactobacillales;Streptococcaceae;Lactococcus;Lactococcus lactis

23S affiliation: Bacteria;Firmicutes;Bacilli;Lactobacillales;Streptococcaceae;Streptococcus;Streptococcus salivarius CCHSS3

Final affiliation: Bacteria;Firmicutes;Bacilli;Lactobacillales;Streptococcaceae;Streptococcus;Multi-affiliation

Scripts and commands to merge affiliations

To merge affiliations, we use the tables created by the script that we give to the local script ([scripts/]/

python scripts/ \
                            --table_16S23Sdb abundance_and_multiaffi_16S23S_custom.tsv \
                            --table_16Sdb abundance_and_multiaffi_16Ssilva.tsv \
                            --table_23Sdb abundance_and_multiaffi_23Ssilva.tsv \
                            -v \
                            --min_identity 98 --min_qcov_23S 40 --min_qcov_16S 30 --min_qcov_16S23S 98 \
                            -o affiliation_multiple_db_merged.tsv 

Plot taxonomic rank of the affiliations

To describe the level of precision the affiliation is in diverse condition (different target or database used) let's plot the abundance of affiliation made at the different taxonomic ranks.

We can visualise that globally per analysis:

Or per sample:


We can produce these plots with the local python script

python scripts/ --affi_tables abundance_and_multiaffi_16S23S_custom.tsv abundance_and_multiaffi_16Ssilva.tsv abundance_and_multiaffi_23Ssilva.tsv\
                                    --labels 16S23S_customDB 1623S_16Ssilva 16S_23S_23Ssilva  --samples 1:32  -v 

Slurm pipeline

For 16Sfull analysis, all the frogs steps can be launch through this slurm pipeline: frogs_pipeline

It uses slurm dependencies to launch each step successively.