pyotb: Orfeo ToolBox for Python
pyotb wraps the Orfeo Toolbox in a pythonic, developer friendly fashion.
Key features
- Easy use of Orfeo ToolBox (OTB) applications from python
- Simplify common sophisticated I/O features of OTB
- Lazy execution of operations thanks to OTB streaming mechanism
- Interoperable with popular python libraries (numpy and rasterio)
- Extensible
Documentation hosted at
Building a simple pipeline with OTB applications
import pyotb
# RigidTransformResample, with input parameters as dict
resampled = pyotb.RigidTransformResample({
"in": "https://myserver.ia/input.tif", # Note: no /vsicurl/
"interpolator": "linear",
"": 0.5,
"": 0.5
# OpticalCalibration, with input parameters as args
calib = pyotb.OpticalCalibration(resampled)
# BandMath, with input parameters as kwargs
ndvi = pyotb.BandMath(calib, exp="ndvi(im1b1, im1b4)")
# Pythonic slicing
roi = ndvi[20:586, 9:572]
# Pipeline execution. The actual computation happens here!
roi.write("output.tif", "float")